søndag 13. september 2015

    Intimacy is Divine

Daring to be close to those special in your life,
Not taking their presence and unique light for granted.
Those who see others as mere instruments of temporary gratification, whether it be through amusement, reckless fun, pleasure, laughter, support, an unfulfilled need. To have others be an active part of their life only when satisfying shallow needs and wants.
Readily to be cast aside and forgotten when the individual no longer serves them the food they selfishly craved.
Such people are superficial, they do not see the value and glowing beauty of promises, longevity, commitment, lasting resolutions, unbreakable bonds and graceful acceptance of others.
Their faces turn scornful, judgemental and haughty by the first sign of essential truth in others,
Sadness being a state they resist in others, the first presence of gloom and insecurity makes them pack their bags and run, a single mistake enough to justify withdrawal, grumpiness and frustration not something they ever want to understand the reason for in others.
Once the shallow souls see such traits in friends, lovers, aquaintances, confidants or whatever it may be, they deem themselves far above such states, experiencing so called less desirable facets of others makes them run for the hills.
Hoping that on such a hill, they can find more jovial, fun, thrilling people to entertain them briefly,
But once the people they see as toys no longer are of amusement, they put them in a black box and bring forth the locks, tossing the key in a faraway ocean.
Such childish people never truly cared for those present in their lives, they simply had a vague purpose to fulfill, knowing deep down that the only person they truly care, is themselves, being so enamored and in love with themselves, that they have no room to love others.
Others only being toys to keep the preoccupied in moments of boredom, in moments where they seek company, in moments where they feel in need of some gratification.
Daring to be close to someone, means seeing they are intrinsically worthy, loveable, perfect,
Even when they might cause irritations and inconveniences to your life.
To stick by them, work through challenges and disagreements, even when they become slightly heavy to bear.
To see their light, even when caught in despair and grieveances, to dig deeper, and try to offer support and understanding, even when they act unreasonable and confusing.
That is not taking someone for granted, that is appreciating their soul and the gift of their unique presence.
Knowing that feeling overlooked, ignored, underappreciated, forgotten and used, is enough to make someone ignore your calls. To not reply to the invitatjon when the user wants a quick laugh or fill the slot in a chair and to not only be a mere pawn to fill the space at a party.
Their presence made to feel unsignificant, unimportant, unless they only display emotions and behaviors the user enjoys.
Did the user ever move past the superficial, the surface levels, the initial impression, or did the user never want to in the first place.
Do not take those you love for granted, because the status of a user is not honorable nor something to be proud of. Free will rules, use it with tact and grace.

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